Classes, Tips & News Winter 2025

new classes monthly ... come back often

Hi Everyone

What a funny start we have had to 2025 which promises to be an exciting year of change and deepened relationship with self. January seemed to be a time of adjustment for us all as we come out of the busy Holiday season (which I think we should simply be renamed the 'Busy Season') and focused on aligning ourselves with our goals and vision for 2025. Then, almost everyone I know got sick. Grandmother says that January's uncanny health issues were a time of releasing debris from deep inside our cells that are no longer needed to anchor us in density. It sure would have been nice to get that memo! Thankfully since this is to be year that Grandmother is calling 'The Year Where Our Child Within Can Grow' we can look forward to more play, creativity and inner light flowing as the year goes on. It will be a relief to have the precious child within us all feel safe and comfortable to grow. I am sure there will be some uncomfortable moments as we honor how hard it has been to navigate so much of our lives alone. Let's all help each other remember to be gentle with ourselves and keep our Adult-Selves handy to be the safe 'container' in which we can now flourish. So grab your favorite beverage and let's walk through what is new this month. There are lots of new classes, offerings and ways to play continue to hone your intuition. 


After decades of service, we are very proud to offer you the 3 concise, INTUITION-Paks below. Please note that these 1-time enrollments get you incredible savings on your ongoing learning year after year, with no renewal fees. If you have not already done so, do take time to browse the Paks and see which one may suit you best. Remember all the INTUITION-Paks have the Monthly and Yearly FOCUS included for years to come. A must for ongoing perspective throughout the years!

LIVE Wednesday February 26th, 2025 - 7 - 9 p.m. ESTime

This promises to be a lifechanging year. Let's unpack how to be the best Adult you can be to allow what Grandmother calls the 'Vigilant Child' within grow into the 'Original Child' who has not yet had a full turn to express itself. Enjoy concrete strategies and a working meditation. The perfect follow up for the YEARLY FOCUS 2025 (see below). Bring paper and colored pencils/markers to this Webinar. 
$24.99 This Class is included in the INTUITION: Foundation-Pak + The Community Membership.. *** Depending on interest in this class, we may set up additional learning opportunities for ongoing support and interaction throughout the year to keep the growth of our Child-Within moving along smoothly.

"Good News ~ Intuition Works"
with your Host: Karen Gaborik

We all need more Good News these days and so we are bringing you good news and heart-warming stories of how those who have taken our classes are implementing their intuition in their day to day lives. View our new You Tube Channel where Host, Karen Gaborik invites you to sit back and enjoy hearing good news while being reminded that intuition works — it really does. 
February 1st: Guest is Kelly Woodruff & February 15th: Guest is Shanel Scott. 

On the new You Tube channel be sure to also catch Lori's interview with Valanne Ridgeway, fellow IA101 intuition student and Astrologer where they discuss how Grandmother's Yearly Focus for 2025 is spot on with the forecast from the astrology world.


We hope by now you have all had the chance to view Grandmother's YEARLY FOCUS for the year 2025.   Let us all celebrate the fact that our child within can grow more fully this year, in ways that have never existed in humanity until now.  Always rich with information to ponder as well as practical advice on how to navigate the year, this Webinar is a 'must have' on all of our Learner Dashboards.

Grandmother says … "The core of your soul, your light is this precious child within. They are strong and patient beyond measure. This child — however has not yet had a chance to fully grow and 2025 affords this precious child within you it's turn. You have established monumental safety in your life to date. Now 'tis time to allow this part of you to flourish in ways that have never been — in any incarnation..." 
Register for only $9.99  Remember the The YEARLY FOCUS is included in ALL of the INTUITION-PAKS & the Community Membership.

February is the Month of Love — so we have prepared a special BUNDLE for you called Deep Love Heals. It includes two of our favorite 2-hour Webinars on Love as well as a new 1-hour Audio Podcast where Grandmother provides timely perspective on the deep love we all do have inside us and why it is so important to access it now. 
$14.00 In honor of Feb 14th ~ Be your own special Valentine this year. As with all of our BUNDLES, you Save 60% on the class if they were purchased separately. 


Wednesday February 19, 2025
7 - 9 ESTime

By subscription ($9.99/monthly) you will have access to the LIVE monthly Evenings + the Archives for the current full year. Catch a live event or enjoy a replay, Grandmothers’ monthly spirit wisdom will be there for you. Amazing questions are asked monthly and you can review the previous months as part of your monthly membership. Enjoy expanded perspectives and a chance to be drawn to ask a personal question in these wonderful evenings.
Monthly payment of $9.99 [Remember the The Evenings with Grandmother are included in The INTUITION: Foundation-Pak & the Community Membership.]

February "An Entirely New — Sustainability of Self"

If you have not enjoyed Grandmother’s Monthly Focus yet – please consider this way to stay focused. On the 1st of each month, a 2-page Focus for the month ahead keeps us on track. On the 15th of each month a 30-minute Podcast is posted to enhance the monthly focus and give us pointers from Grandmother’s wise spirit perspective.

For February, Grandmother reminds us …... “This Moon dear ones marks a time when you are now ‘off shift’. In fact, your job of the vigilant adult, and the vigilant child are complete. This is why you feel so disoriented and out of place. ”...

[The Monthly Focus is now included in ALL the INTUITION-Paks. If you are new to Inner Access 101, start with the Essential-Pak ~ a 1 time payment of $25 gets you the Monthly Focus for years to come.] 

April 7 - June 23, 2025 
(A LIVE, 12 week Spring Mentorship)

Are you ready to turbo boost your intuition skills AND get completely on track with your life focus in 12-weeks? Join this small, committed group of like-minded individuals who want to SOAR with their intuition and their life. Read about the topics covered and past participants testimonials. This experience will most certainly change your life. Enjoy two great bonuses: A 90 min. Business Intuition session with Lori to focus on your path forward + optional, ongoing monthly meetings with your classmates and previous years for support and continued soaring as part of your tuition. If you are looking for deep, intuition-based community, this is the perfect place to come.
[This class is now open for registration and is offered once per year for 12 students.]


 Medical Intuition Q & A and Practice Sessions— monthly for all MI Enrolled Students & Grads February 13th + See all 2025 Dates Here > 

Channeling as a Profession Q & A and Practice — bi-monthly for all CH as a Pro Grads March 6th + See all 2025 Dates Here > 

Business Intuition Grads Q & A and Practice — bi-monthly for all BI Grads February 13th +  See all 2025 Dates Here >


"Should I Be Feeling Something Different When I Connect?"

When you connect in with your intuition and direct it to your chosen Source of Wisdom a whole new world opens up to you. A world of possibility, support and connection. A question that gets continues to be asked often in our classes and since we first brought this topic up last November is ..."When I am really connected with my Intuition or a Source of Wisdom — shouldn't I be feeling something different?" This could be referring to expecting a feeling in your body, your emotions, or an organic type of feeling that you are 'going somewhere different.'  

The simple answer to this question is "These days, no, not necessarily". You can be using your intuition really well and connecting to formidable wisdom — and not feel different at all. Times are changing and our ability to connect intuitively will continue to feel more and more normal as we evolve. Let's explore why some people do feel something in their body, emotions or overall when they use their intuition. First of all, you are more likely to feel things in your body if you are a kinesthetic learner. Meaning, you  learn through your body and by doing. Many times kinesthetic learners will feel things in their body because it is their natural learning style. Your body is helping you register information, we say, 'if you feel things in your body — your body is simply helping you work'. Secondly, if you are naturally an emotional or empathetic person, you may feel emotions as you work with your intuition as well. Sometimes you may feel different energies or frequencies while you are connecting. Or you may be surprised by the potency of the connection and feel that powerful energy. Physical or emotional sensations can also occur when you are less familiar with the Guide, trajectory, emotion or the issue at hand. For example, it took me years to not feel disoriented when Grandmother went far out into space with a client. I felt dizzy when taken to this less familiar place. Someone else who is more connected to the cosmic or galactic energies may not feel disoriented at all. Rather they may feel peaceful, relaxed, like they have finally come home.  

Historically things did feel different. It was a lot harder, and a lot of work to open up your intuition and connect with other more invisible, or etheric realms. Many of you have heard me speak of the Veil, fabric or fiber that separates the every day walk-around world from the realm of spirit. Again, historically this Veil was very thick and difficult to penetrate. I am a huge fan of updating our paradigms around energy and intuition. It is important to recognize that as time goes on, the Veil is more and more permeable and connecting to it — and having access to information through it will continue to get easier with every passing year. Let's enjoy the times, and not compare ourselves to others styles or to historical times. Honor your style and whether you feel anything different or not when you use your intuition will vary with each person, and each connection we make. Have fun and explore. Try this tip and keep practicing with your intuition.

Have a great month from Lori, Stewart, Karen & Grandmother

We typically only reach out once a month with our Newsletter to minimize traffic to your inbox. You can always unsubscribe from these monthly reminders below. The Newsletter is posted on our site under the top banner link “New This Month"

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