How to Be the Best Adult & Support The Growth of Your Child-Within (2-hours)
Since 2025 is to be the 'The Year Where Your Child Within Can Grow' — How Do We Support This Long Overdue Growth? This is the perfect supplement to the 2025 Yearly Focus.
2025 Promises to be 'The Year Where Your Child Within Can Grow' which has an awesome and refreshing ring to it. However — how, oh, how do we do it? How do we maximize this important and timely growth?
In the YEARLY FOCUS 2025 Webinar Grandmother stated that "our Child-Within has not yet had a chance to fully grow and 2025 affords this precious child within you it's turn. You have established monumental safety in your life to date. Now 'tis time to allow this part of you to flourish in ways that have never been — in any incarnation. It is a blessed time indeed."
If we have never fully had the chance to flourish yet — best we be on top of our game as we navigate this life changing year. Discover how to be the best Adult you can be. A perfect follow up to the Yearly FOCUS for 2025.
1) The new titles for this precious Child-Within. How do we allow the Vigilant Child to relax and grow into the Original Child that we have always been, but have never had the chance to fully express.
2) How to keep your Adult-Brain front and center so you can be the best 'container' for growth for the Child-Within.
3) How to tend to and dialogue with the Child-Within — especially when they do not feel like talking.
4) The importance of rest and play — two cornerstones of a child's world.
5) How to identify your main 'catch-point' that does not allow your Adult-Self to naturally support your Child-Within. And, learn how to surmount that challenge so you can indeed put your Original Child first.
*Please note that this class is already included in The INTUITION: Foundation-Pak and the Community Membership.
Available on your Learner Dashboard once you enroll
Here is your VIDEO of the "How To Be the Best Adult to Support The Growth of Your Child-Within"
BONUS: For ongoing practice, here is the same Working Meditation with music added in the background (37-mins.)
Here are some of the other Webinars that were referenced in the 'Best Adult' Webinar