Your Trainer & Founder of Inner Access 101, Lori Wilson

a history walk ...

This company and core values have their roots anchored in the professional background, philosophy and experience of founder Lori Wilson. We believe that it is important to be aware of the historical context of how particular modalities, training or philosophies of practice have developed. To know the roots of a school of thought is to understand more fully the path from which it has grown.

Our Mission is "Changing worlds ... with inner trust."

1983     Lori Wilson Education Corporation

Lori Wilson B.A., M.S.W., is a social worker, author, radio show host, trainer and founder of Inner Access 101. Lori has been providing channeling, regression, medical intuition, business intuition and traditional counseling in a successful private practice since 1983. Her background in community development provide the tools and framework for the unique business model of her company. Lori holds her B.A. Specialized Honours Degree in Psychology and Family Studies from the University of Guelph (1981) and a Master of Social Work Degree from Sir Wilfrid Laurier University (1983).


Grandmother Calls The Wind
All artwork © Kiel Wilson-Ciocci

A key influence in shaping the foundation skills and values of Lori’s specialization in intuition is Grandmother, the ancient Shoshone spirit guide that Lori has been consciously channeling since 1989. Grandmother came gently into her awareness through journal writing and has since been a key inspiration to hundreds of thousands through her monthly website focus, books, radio show wisdom and teachings for individuals and larger audiences. You will find endless opportunities to learn from is wise teacher throughout the Lori & Grandmother division of the Store.

A visionary and self-professed “mother bear”; Lori's passion to spread inner trust is evident in all she does. Her personal mission has always been to encourage as many people as possible to trust themselves first. Much of the material taught in the foundation training, Access Intuition 101 and the advanced specialization in Channeling as a Profession is based on Lori's years of blending firsthand, client-driven social work experience with a solid apprenticeship with Grandmother and the spirit world. The training in Medical Intuition, Business Intuition and Artist Intuition has grown from the stellar intuition, tracking and sourcing skills that are the signature foundation of this work.

1994     Inner Access 101 

In 1994, recognizing that the demand for service had far exceeded her personal availability Lori started to actively teach others the skills she had learned and developed. This has created a strong network of high caliber practitioners and Trainers who offer these same specialized services in: Channeling; Artist Intuition; Medical Intuition; Sales & Business Intuition; and Regression. Inner Access 101 is comprised of a dynamic and caring team of Trainers, Host Partners & Graduate Practitioners who provide individual services.

Public interest in seeking solid support continues to grow yearly. Self-exploration, self-trust and inner wisdom are here to stay.  From 1994 - 2017 over 12,000 students on 5 continents have explored what Inner Access 101 has to offer on a global scale in the in-person Training opportunities. At Inner Access 101 we keep things simple, foundational – hence the 101 in our company title. Lori and the IA101 Trainers seek to de-mystify and teach that intuition is not a mystical gift but rather a skill set that can be developed in all. Inner Access 101 takes a leadership position in providing direct opportunities for everyone to obtain these natural skills.

Stewart Hope, DOMP President of Inner Access 101

Since its inception Stewart Hope, husband and business partner of Lori Wilson has been equally dedicated to the development and ongoing operations of Inner Access 101. His desktop, office, computer, and administrative skills have provided the technical foundation upon which this company is built. For years he has witnessed people of all experience levels benefit from these services. Stewart believes that while there are a variety of people teaching intuition with a sensational approach. While sensationalism may certainly first catch your eye, he maintains that Inner Access 101 and Lori Wilson are here to help you actually master your intuition skills. "We teach you how to do it". This reality is echoed frequently in the stories of clients and students. As a manual Osteopath, Stewart sees first hand the value of the medical intuition scans Lori has done for his clients.  Lori and Stewart are have raised 4 sons and are proud grandparents of 3 grandchildren and two 'grand-dogs'. 

2001     Train the Trainers 

In 2001 a "Train the Trainers" program began to teach selected graduates to lead classes in our areas of specialization: Channeling, Artist Intuition, Regression, Medical Intuition and Sales & Business Intuition. Lori trained 15 Trainers since 2001. Currently there are 7 active Inner Access 101 Trainers who have helped expand inner trust to over 12,000 students in over 50 cities worldwide. Throughout this time Lori also continued to address larger audiences at conferences, in two published books on television and with her 14 years of a weekly Radio Show 'Inner Access'. 


These competent Trainers have completed certification in the classes they teach and show excellence in the skills they are teaching. They have also completed an additional 1 - 3 year Inner Access 101 "Train the Trainers" Program which includes observation, coaching and co-teaching. We are proud to introduce you to our excellent Training Team.  From Left to Right: Kelly Woodruff, Terri Wiebold, Sandi Loytomaki, Susan Rueppel, Lisa Dennys and Diane Wilson. 

2017  Transition to On-Line Classes

In 2017, we made the transition from In-Person Classes to On-Line Classes for our Specialized Trainings, shorter Webinars and the daily, monthly and yearly teachings. While we miss seeing students in person — this platform allows us to teach more people throughout the world. It also affords our treasured students considerable savings, time and travel wise as you can now enjoy excellent skill development from your home or office. New classes are added monthly and we continue to be leaders in the field of intuition-based training. In the last 8 years from 2017 - 2025 we have expanded our reach to now 25,500 students. Of those who are studying On-Line there have been 29,456 individual unique enrollments. The top 3 favorite offerings continue to be:
1) The Daily Focus - with 47% of all students enjoy the free Daily 5 minute focus from Grandmother.
2) Access Intuition 101 - with 35% of all students having taken this signature, foundation class. 
3) The Essential-Pak - with 17% of all Learners staying in the loop with the Intuition Essentials.

2025  Our Team Grows

In 2025 we are at another growth point where more people are joining our Team to help with specific projects. 

Karen Gaborik

Karen is our new Project Manager for our On-Line presence and is the engaging host of the Podcast "Good News ~ Intuition Works". She interviews our Learners about their good news stories on how they have used their intuition for amazing results in their day-to-day lives. Catch her on our YouTube channel.

Karen Gaborik grew up immersed in the breathtaking beauty of Alaska, USA. Her love of nature and outdoor adventure, combined with a 26-year career in public administration, have contributed to a lifetime of learning to integrate natural intuition with the technicalities of organizational leadership. Karen aspires to embrace her humanity and bring the power of vulnerability and mindfulness to leadership. Her passion is helping teams build connections and become empowered, transformational leaders.  We are fortunate to have her spreading more tools and joy with us here at Inner Access 101. 

At Inner Access 101, we believe that the more people who use their intuition and trust themselves first — will continue to create the kind of world we can all call 'home'.