Medical Intuition Q & A + Practice for Enrolled Students & Grads
Enjoy ongoing monthly support and learning
Monthly 2-hour LIVE Webinars for ongoing learning
Once you are enrolled in your Foundation Level 25-Modules or if you have already taken the Medical Intuition Training in the in-person/classroom format (between years 2000-2016) you are eligible to attend the monthly Q & A and Practice Webinars.
See Curriculum below for monthly dates and special focus. While we will not be teaching the MI material in this webinar, it will be an excellent opportunity to bring questions to your Trainer and interact/practice with fellow MI students.
Occasionally we will also be:
√ Inviting special Guest Trainers
√ MI Grads
√ And Practitioners to present Case Studies where MI Scans have been helpful augmenting their client care.
HOUR 1: You will spend the first hour asking questions of your Trainer(s) and have those important questions answered to maximize your ongoing learning and skills. This is a great chance to hear from colleagues how they are utilizing their skills.
HOUR 2: The second hour will be spent practicing with the other students in this LIVE event with 1-on-1 coaching from Lori.
Please note that these 2-hour Q & A Practice Webinars are optional and there will be no replays posted.
A helpful hint is to have your Training Manual handy and think about the questions you might like to bring to the Q & A portion of the evening.
Please Note: This ongoing learning is only for
Enrolled MI Students & Grads of the
"Medical Intuition" class.
Enroll for free. Then click on the Zoom Link in the Curriculum Section of your Student Dashboard. View all dates once you enroll.
Q & A and Practice Sessions DATES & LINK : Thursdays 1 - 3 p.m. EDTime