Enjoy Grandmother's Channeled
 "Monthly Focus"

Since 1996 Lori has been channeling a daily and monthly message from her Spirit Guide, Grandmother to share with others. The "Monthly Focus" gives you the heads up on what is in store for the month and how to align yourself with it's potential! 

Serving as a long range forecast for the month, Lori Wilson's Spirit Guide, Grandmother looks ahead into time and space and shares what the common learning theme is that relates globally. There are two unique ways she helps us stay on track.


2-page print out is posted on the 1st day of the month that shares about the energetic theme for the month ahead. This is ideal for planning and knowing how to focus your time and efforts. If the learning is huge, it is wonderful to keep things in perspective and not fall into taking things too personally.


Then on the 15th of every month there is an additional 30-minute Audio Podcast from Grandmother is posted on your dashboard as well. This is her chance to sit with us mid-month and teach us what we most need to hear to navigate our lives in real-time each month. We are so fortunate to have this mid-month perspective and company along the way.

  • Regardless of when you join, your one-time payment of $24.99 gives you access to the Monthly Focus for all 12 months of the current year. This is not automatically renewed yearly. When the year is over, we will archive this year's Monthly Focuses and offer next years on a new course card. Then you can sign up again if you wish.


    A much more economical choice, as you will only pay 
    for the INTUITION-Pak once.
  • As with Grandmother's Daily Focus, we are reminded that while we are all unique, we still have much more in common. Business managers share the monthly focus with their teams; healers with their clients; spiritual leaders with the communities; teachers with their students; friends and family with one another and their children.

  • Post the Monthly Focus on your fridge or shared bulletin board! You will want to refer to the Monthly Focus more than once as you get busy and swept up in the month. Sit with your family, friends and team to listen to the Mid-Month Perspective Audio. You will be amazed at how connections can deepen when a powerful conversation piece like the "Monthly Focus" is  shared.

Print out the PDF of the Monthly Focus to keep handy and read often.

Course Curriculum

MONTHLY FOCUS: Check in the 1st of every month to print out Grandmother's 2-pg channeled Focus" or enjoy the Audio Version. Then come back on the 15th to hear her 30-min. Audio Podcast of what we need to hear in order to stay on track and keep the month in perspective.

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    • Grandmothers Monthly Focus 2025 March “A Moon Beyond Theories” 2-page Print Out

    • MID-MONTH PODCAS March 2025"A Track is Different Than a Path"

    • Grandmothers Monthly Focus 2025 February “An Entirely New — Sustainability of Self” 2-page Print Out

    • MID-MONTH PODCAST February 2025"Welcome This Second Phase of Your Life"

    • Grandmothers Monthly Focus 2025 January “Let The Celebration Begin” 2-page Print Out

    • MID-MONTH PODCAST January 2025"Being Stunned Is A First Step Toward True Celebration And Change"

    • BONUS: Grandmothers Monthly Focus 2024 December “Righting Your Power” 2-page Print Out

    • BONUS: MID-MONTH PODCAST December 2024"Ushering in True Power from the Inside Out"

Lori Wilson & Grandmother

Grandmother is Lori's Spirit Guide

Lori Wilson B.A., M.S.W., is a social worker, author, trainer and founder of Inner Access 101. Lori has been providing channeling, regression, medical intuition, business intuition and traditional counseling in a successful private practice since 1983. Her background in community development provide the tools and framework for the unique business model her company. Lori holds her B.A. Specialized Honours Degree in Psychology and Family Studies from the University of Guelph and a Master of Social Work Degree from Sir Wilfrid Laurier University. A key influence in shaping the foundation skills and values of Lori’s private practice and of Inner Access 101 is Grandmother, the ancient Shoshone spirit guide that Lori has been consciously channeling since 1989. Grandmother came gently into her awareness through journal writing and has since been a key inspiration to hundreds of thousands through her daily and monthly focus, books, the Evenings with Grandmother and with her presence in the On-Line Classes. Much of the material taught in the foundation training, Access Intuition 101 is based on Lori's years of blending firsthand, client-driven social work experience with a solid apprenticeship with Grandmother and the spirit world. The training in Medical Intuition, Business Intuition and Artist Intuition has grown from Lori's stellar application of intuition along with the tracking and sourcing skills that are the signature foundation in all of her intuition-based work.