We All Have Many Guides (BUNDLE)
Meet more of your own unique Guides ~ for support, guidance and perspective.
Partner With The Animal & Elemental Kingdoms (BUNDLE)
Two of the purest sources of wisdom for support, connection and deep learning.
Loved Ones Who Have Passed — Are Always Available (BUNDLE)
Missing loved ones is never easy. Now you can practice tools to access your loved one who has passed on and continue to grow in your relationship.
Surmounting the Fear That is Part of The Historical Intuition Landscape (BUNDLE)
Let's de-mystify and update your paradigms so you can practice with your intuition and never be afraid.
Mastering Clear Boundaries with Your Calm, Adult-Mind (BUNDLE)
The perfect foundation for intuition, life and being able to hold deep change.
The Yearly Focus Archives [BUNDLE)
History has much to teach us. Review the last 7 years of Grandmother's YEARLY FOCUS [ 2017 - 2023 ] and take a trip down Memory Lane.