Course Description

Staying Calm & Clear in 2020

Life is full of surprises, challenges and opportunities. Let us use this time of change to make our lives better — in small or perhaps in very large ways.

We have had the privilege of teaching thousands of wise, kind people intuition tools for over 30 years. Many are asking what we are thinking about this viral pandemic that is touching all of humanity in one way or another. 

A Message from Lori & Grandmother

As Lori ... "my soul feels that ultimately while there will be many very unfortunate losses, that all will be well in our world. My human, street-smart brain is very  curious what is going on behind the scenes with power and money that — likely we will never know. My heart believes in the resilience of human beings very strongly. This opportunity for us to 'take a pause', sort through our priorities and piles of things not yet done, is like a mandatory 'time out'. Let us use it to regroup and perhaps commit anew to the life we always wanted to live. Yes, we may be confined right now to mitigate this health crisis, but it will not last forever. Like any loss, all crises test who we are as a person. They also put what really matters front and center. I hope we can all use this time to discover or to fortify our priorities."

Grandmother, the wonderful Spirit Guide that I channel offers ... "The biggest picture we can imagine is about balance. We cannot take nature into our own hands and pretend we know more about balance. 'Tis time to properly partner with more natural phenomenon like viruses, bacteria, molds, pathogens — and learn what they are here for instead of trying to manage them in a fighting way. If fear is the basis of discovery or healing, it will always be limited. If we allow ourselves to learn more about our bodies and how they interact with everything around them, we will come out awed at the intelligence around us. What is happening with this current health crisis is real. It need be handled wisely. If you can practice good health measures and not succumb to fear, this will strengthen you at all levels. Send love, inspiration, courage, prayers and compassion to others who are unwell or frightened. Show your heart and strength in all you do. Be the kindest and most understanding you have ever been. Rest. Use this time to tidy up things that have been left undone. Plan your best life and set your priorities out clearly. Life will definitely go on. Continue to be an analytical thinker with a firm and clear adult-brain. You will likely have to say 'no' more than 'yes' to others in these coming days and weeks. Do it firmly and with confidence and kindness. If you keep true to yourself and instincts — the opportunities ahead will be boundless." ~ AHO. Grandmother.

  • Please enjoy the many offerings gifted to you in your Curriculum Menu once you register for this free 'Class'.  We are using our existing  Classroom platform to reach out to as many people as possible to align with calm and clarity in these challenging and changing times. Change is not always comfortable, but it ensures growth and evolution. 
  • Grandmother's channeled message on the COVID19 Virus from February's monthly 'Evening with Grandmother' Webinar.
  • 2 Highlighted 'Daily Focus' messages from November 2019 and January 2020 where Grandmother was addressing  very subtly what was to come.
  • Your Link to the Free Daily Channeled Focus  (5-minute Audio) that you can enjoy every day to help maximize the energetic climate of each day. 
  • A Free, 3-hour Podcast and 24-page booklet entitled "Stabilizing Fear." This is one of our existing classes and one of our best resources to help you understand and manage fear on a daily basis.
  • A Coupon that gifts you the March 25th monthly Evening with Grandmother where more questions can be asked about how to manage these changing times. 
  • What the Innate Intelligence of the COVID-19 Virus shows us.
  • A 1-hour Podcast outlining very different coping styles at this time of change.
  • And more tools and insight to come every few days ...
  • SCROLL DOWN ... to view all topics included in this Free Support Package.

  • This is not a formal class — but more of a resource. More topics will be added over the days and weeks ahead. So sign in now and know that there will be more ahead to help you navigate these changing times with optimal ease, awareness, calm & clarity. 

  • There is much we can offer ... please let us know how we can best help you — what tools do you need at this time that we can build into the information provided in this platform. 

  • Please share information about these offerings with your friends. Copy and paste this sentence to send them here: Join Social Worker, Lori Wilson and her Spirit Guide, Grandmother for free tools and insight in this time of change. 

Lori Wilson & Grandmother

Grandmother is Lori's Spirit Guide

Lori Wilson B.A., M.S.W., is a social worker, author, trainer and founder of Inner Access 101. Lori has been providing channeling, regression, medical intuition, business intuition and traditional counseling in a successful private practice since 1983. Her background in community development provide the tools and framework for the unique business model her company. Lori holds her B.A. Specialized Honours Degree in Psychology and Family Studies from the University of Guelph and a Master of Social Work Degree from Sir Wilfrid Laurier University. A key influence in shaping the foundation skills and values of Lori’s private practice and of Inner Access 101 is Grandmother, the ancient Shoshone spirit guide that Lori has been consciously channeling since 1989. Grandmother came gently into her awareness through journal writing and has since been a key inspiration to hundreds of thousands through her daily and monthly focus, books, the Evenings with Grandmother and with her presence in the On-Line Classes. Much of the material taught in the foundation training, Access Intuition 101 is based on Lori's years of blending firsthand, client-driven social work experience with a solid apprenticeship with Grandmother and the spirit world. The training in Medical Intuition, Business Intuition and Artist Intuition has grown from Lori's stellar application of intuition along with the tracking and sourcing skills that are the signature foundation in all of her intuition-based work.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Staying Calm & Clear in 2020

    • A Message from Lori Wilson — Founder of Inner Access 101

  • 2

    Grandmother's channeled insight on the Coronavirus as mentioned in February at a monthly event

    • Here is the VIDEO of the Evening with Grandmother February 19 2020. Question #1 addresses the Corona Virus COVID-19

    • You may enjoy all of the Questions that were asked at the Evening with Grandmother ~ February 19.2020

  • 3

    2 'Daily Focus' messages from November 2019 and January 2020 where Grandmother was addressing — very subtly, big changes to come.

    • This was the Daily.Focus.Audio.Nov.19.2019

    • This was the Daily.Focus.Audio.Jan.17.2020

  • 4

    For daily support and perspective: enjoy the Free 'Daily Channeled Focus' (5-minute Audio)

    • Click here to get your link to the Daily Focus

  • 5

    Use this Coupon for the ARCHIVED March 25th monthly Evening with Grandmother where dozens of great questions were asked about the Virus and how to manage these changing times.

    • Your Coupon Code

  • 6

    Have lots of time right now and want to learn more intuition skills?

    • Consider the ALL ACCESS PASS 78+ Classes

  • 7

    What does the COVID-19 Virus itself have to share?

    • Lori Wilson connects with what she calls the 'Innate Intelligence' of the COVID-19 Virus (2-pages)

  • 8

    3 Very different styles of coping with this time of change

    • The Pollyanna-Mind, the Street Smart-Mind and the Calm & Clear Adult-Mind — Download this diagram first

    • Next: Listen to this 1-hour audio-podcast — The Pollyanna-Mind, the Street Smart-Mind and the Calm & Clear Adult-Mind

  • 9

    Listen to the Channeled FOCUS for 2020 — what Grandmother calls "THE YEAR OF ROOTING"

    • I think it is time to listen to the FOCUS 2020 again - or perhaps for the 1st time!

  • 10

    Health Resources from Trusted Friends and Colleagues ~ All Can be Accessed From Your Home

    • Herbal Immune Boosters from Colleague & Herbalist: Monica Giacomin / Herbs on the Side

    • Join in Live Yoga on Facebook with my Niece ~ Sonya / Sacred Fern Yoga

    • Great Herbal & Homeopathic Tips from Homeopath & Colleague: Heather Caruso / Natural News

    • Anxious? Join EMF Trainer and Colleague: Susan Bushell / Free Your Emotions for her weekly Face Book Tap-Along lessons

    • Looking for Long Distance Energetic Support? Colleague Roxana Roshon has Services and Newsletter at the Ready

    • Distance Work to Support Vitality and Function in Both Mind & Body with Colleague: Shelley Timoffee / Soul's Ease

    • A Lovely Meditation for Inner Peace & Tranquility with Colleague: Atherton Drenth / Paradigm Centre

    • Need Help with Body, Mind or Soul? Colleague: Sandi Loytomaki /Vital Health Initiative offers Virtual and Telemedicine Appointments

    • A Fabulous 5-Part Series "Your Intuitive Self" with Colleague: Suzane Northrup / Renowned Medium

    • Ready to Create a Transformative and Lucrative On-Line Course? Let me introduce you to Colleague & E-Learner Expert Chris Kyle in the Free REPLAY 1.5 hour Webinar: "The Course Creators Lab"

    • My Daughter-In-Law is Offering Her Expertise to Business Owners and Entrepreneurs in Tons of Helpful Ways: Amanda Wilson-Ciocci / Monarch EA, Executive Strategist

    • 10-Hour of Inspirational Teachings, Songs and Music is Offered by Colleague: Pamela Jane Gerrand / Singer/Songwriter / IndieGo Records


5 star rating

Coping Styles

Joan Ross

Thank you Lori! Just listened to your audio about the three coping styles, which was very informative and pertinent always, but especially during our current life experience with the pandemic and related issues. I appreciate you stepping forward...

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Thank you Lori! Just listened to your audio about the three coping styles, which was very informative and pertinent always, but especially during our current life experience with the pandemic and related issues. I appreciate you stepping forward to share these perspectives with your community. Joan Ross

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Looking for some positive tools and learning while you are at home? Have access to 73+ intuition classes for only $24.99 / month. Now being offered at 50% off ~ so that you and everyone in your home can share tools and practice trusting your intuition more.

  • $24.99 / month

    $24.99 / monthALL ACCESS PASS (99 Intuition Classes + More Access to Your Trainer)

    Subscribe Now