Course Description

Level 2 Certification Training
(65 hours)


The majority of students feel that the level of skill development achieved upon completion of the self-study, Foundation Level 1 will be more than enough to be successful adding Medical Intuition to your  existing practice.

If however, you wish to be certified in the Medical Intuition: Lori Wilson's Total Body Intuition™ style of training you can also apply for this 1-year, 65-hour supplemental Certification Level 2 Training

This Training is offered once a year and you can save your seat for the Certification Level 2 by registering any time. You must have at least purchased the Foundation Level 1 prior to registering for Level 2.

  • This 1 year, Certification Level 2 Training includes:
    • Your Certification Level starts with a 4-hour On-Line practicum. You are permitted  1-year from this date to complete your course work and case studies. You could be finished in a minimum of 6 months if you complete your work sooner, but you do have 1-year to hand in your work.
    • The bulk of the Certification is via the 2-hour On-Line monthly Development Webinars. Here you will practice honing and developing your Foundation Level 1 skills with your Trainer and cohort classmates in monthly 2-hour webinars.
    • You will also have access to  scheduled 1-on-1 coaching from your Trainer for individual feedback and coaching on your style and your scans.
    • There are 2 Quizzes and 2 Reflection Papers required.
    • You will have to complete 8 Case Studies within the calendar year. The marking and review of your Case Study work is part of your Certification. You will need to achieve  an average of 70% competency in your Case Studies. 

The focus in this Certification Level 2 is to take the tools you have learned in the Foundation Level 1 and now apply them to your Case Studies and in your profession. As you will note in the Course Outline below you are not spending time learning any of the core, Foundation class material in Level 2. This will have already been covered in your On-Line Foundation Level 1 Training. There may be questions about the material and concept review, but no direct teaching time of Foundation Level 1 material is planned for Level 2.

Working experientially with your Trainer and your cohort colleagues will provide a rich and stimulating learning environment that focuses on you being able to excel at scanning. 

The Total Body Intuition style of Training is intensely protocol-based. We teach you how to use your unique intuition and focus it on the unique client you will be working with. Your specificity, accuracy, ability to track and source where the information is coming from will be a deep asset to your clients and colleagues for years to come. 


• You must have purchased the On-Line Foundation Level 1 Training prior to applying for this Level 2 Certification. Most students who are choosing Certification register  for the Certification Training Level 2 at the same time or shortly thereafter purchasing Level 1. This ensures your seat in class.

We can only accommodate 30 students in this Level 2 Training per year. Participation is on a on a first come basis. If you know you want to certify, please register early. You can pay for your training in full or in 3 monthly installments.

• The Certification tuition is in addition to your 
Medical Intuition Foundation Level 1 Training. 


  • You do need to be enrolled in the Foundation Level 1 Medical Intuition at the time you apply for Level 2.
  • Ideally you will be complete the entire Foundation Training prior to doing Level 2.
  • For those who are taking Level 1 + 2 concurrently, you will be expected to complete your entire Level 1 Foundation Training within 6 months of starting Level 2. 
  • Be reminded that Level 1 is where all the principles and tools are taught. While some of the material may be reviewed in this Certification Level 2, the Foundation Level 1 tools are not taught in Level 2 in the monthly LIVE Development Webinars. Rather, this is where we are putting your foundation knowledge into working action with your case-study scans.

• Remember, only applicants who have a minimum of 2 years in a helping/healing field will be eligible for certification. Educators also qualify. If you think your different credentials would still make you a good candidate for Certification, please send a short email outlining your interest and qualifications so that the Inner Access 101 Trainers may review your query. 


• This Certification Training is offered yearly.

Certificate Level 2 starts On-Line 
January 2021 


• The Tuition for the 1-year Certification Level 2 Training is $2750. To reserve your seat, you can pay in full  or/ with 3 monthly payments of $925. (Scroll down for this option button)

• Once you have registered we will send you an application for more details about your background so we can tailor the class to who is specifically in it. 

If for some reason you want to cancel your registration before November 21, 2020  $750 of your tuition is non-refundable. This non-refundable deposit can be applied to a deferral for up to 1 year.  If you cancel after class starts there will be no refunds given.

Be assured that we work very hard with our students to ensure that you certify. Sometimes students need to submit a few more scans and have a bit more coaching to meet the 70% proficiency standard. 

The scans are marked very rigorously and we are proud to report that after 20 years of marking, no matter what Trainer marks your scan we have less than a 2% variation in the marks achieved. Our formula for marking scans is very solid. We are very proud of our graduates and they share a common caliber of excellence in their skills. If you are not successful at Certification you are welcome to reapply and repeat your Certification year at a future date for a discounted reviewing fee.  Be assured, that in 20 years of teaching over 500 students, less that 5 students have not been able to achieve certification ~ so this is very, rare.


Practitioners who receive a certificate for demonstrating an average of over 70% proficiency in their work are eligible, should they choose, to promote their services via Inner Access 101 Practitioner's Listing on our web site / On-Line Store. There is no fee for this prestigious listing for our graduates.

Lori Wilson & Guest Inner Access 101 Trainers

Founder & Inner Access 101 Trainer

Lori Wilson B.A., M.S.W., is a social worker, author, trainer and founder of Inner Access 101. Lori has been providing channeling, regression, medical intuition, business intuition and traditional counseling in a successful private practice since 1983. A key influence in shaping the foundation skills and values of Lori’s specialization in intuition is Grandmother, the ancient Shoshone spirit guide that Lori has been consciously channeling since 1989. Grandmother came gently into her awareness through journal writing and has since been a key inspiration to hundreds of thousands through her daily and monthly focus, books, radio shows and teachings for individuals and larger audiences. The Medical Intuition, Business Intuition and Artist Intuition classes have grown from the stellar intuition, tracking and sourcing skills that are the signature foundation in all of Lori's work. Lori currently has 6 active Trainers who are qualified to teach her classes through Inner Access 101. You will meet some of these Guest Trainers in the Inner Access 101 On-Line Classes: Sandi Loytomaki, Terri Wiebold, Kelly Woodruff, Diane Wilson, Susan Rueppel & Lisa Dennys.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Apply for the Certification Level 2 Early: (30 Students are accepted yearly) for the 1-yr. Certification Training. You will have Monthly Conference calls and 1-on-1 Coaching with your assigned Trainer

    • Register any time before January 2021 (limited to first 30 registrants)

    • Here is your Application Form: Please fill this out once you have paid for your class. Scan in and send to [email protected]

  • 2

    Dates Below are for the Current Class IN PROGESS ... Module 1: November 21, 2019 Starts with Your 4-hour On-Line Webinar 4 - 8 pm. EDTime

    • ORIENTATION: Outline of year + Highlighted learning from Foundation Level 1 + Meet Your Trainer and Class Mates + Volunteer Guests to Scan + Outline of the Case Study Protocol

    • Download these Print Outs for Class Nov.21.2019

    • Click here for the Zoom Meeting Link to get into the 4-hour Webinar Orientation Thursday November 21.2019

  • 3

    Module 2: Monthly 2-hour Webinar Orientation + How to Utilize Your Trainers for 1-on-1 Coaching

    • The 2-hour Monthly On-Line Webinar Dates and Zoom Links are posted here.

  • 4

    Module 3: Quizz and Personal Feedback from Your Case Study Scans 1-4 + Your Paper #1 Due

    • Personal Paper # 1 Requirements

  • 5

    Module 4: Trainer Mid-Training 4 -hour Review Practicum with and 1-on-1 Coaching and Volunteer Guests to Scan

    • Mid Training Date Review TBA for May 2020

  • 6

    Module 5: Quizz and Personal Feedback from Your Case Studies 5-8 + Your Paper #2 Due

    • Personal Paper # 2 Requirements

  • 7

    Module 6: Completion -Training Review and 1-on-1 Coaching

    • Completion Review Date TBA for September 2020

  • 8

    Module 7: Final Marks + Trainer Final Review and Certification

    • On-Line Certification Celebration will be scheduled. Please note you have until November 21.2020 to hand in all your assignments and case studies.

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.