Course Description

How To Connect With Your Pets 
& Animals In Nature

Your intuition is a powerful tool and can be directed at any source of wisdom as we teach you in the Foundation, Access Intuition 101 class. Animals – whether domestic or wild are very powerful resources.

If you love animals already you know that they evoke deep connection and feelings. Want to connect with them much more consciously?

  • Learn how to connect with your pet or animals in nature at will.
  • Get messages from these wonderful teachers.
  • Ask them what they need or want.
  • Have them show you what is going on with them inside.
  • Have their way of being help you solve a challenge you are having by letting them teach you how they operate.
  • Feel deep communion with your beloved pets and animals in the wild as a source of comfort and connection.

This 2-hour Webinar will allow you to discover and deepen ways of connecting with your pets and animals in nature in very real and tangible ways. Your style of connection may be different than someone else, so we will teach you a variety of ways to practice receiving information — or 'knowingness' from the animal kingdom.

***All are welcome. This is a  wonderful ADD-ON source of wisdom for those who have already taken the Foundation class, Access Intuition 101

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    How to Connect with Your Pets and Animals in Nature

    • Click here for your 2-hr. Webinar: How to Connect with Your Pets & Animals in Nature

Lori Wilson & Grandmother

Grandmother is Lori's Spirit Guide

Lori Wilson B.A., M.S.W., is a social worker, author, trainer and founder of Inner Access 101. Lori has been providing channeling, regression, medical intuition, business intuition and traditional counseling in a successful private practice since 1983. Her background in community development provide the tools and framework for the unique business model her company. Lori holds her B.A. Specialized Honours Degree in Psychology and Family Studies from the University of Guelph and a Master of Social Work Degree from Sir Wilfrid Laurier University. A key influence in shaping the foundation skills and values of Lori’s private practice and of Inner Access 101 is Grandmother, the ancient Shoshone spirit guide that Lori has been consciously channeling since 1989. Grandmother came gently into her awareness through journal writing and has since been a key inspiration to hundreds of thousands through her daily and monthly focus, books, the Evenings with Grandmother and with her presence in the On-Line Classes. Much of the material taught in the foundation training, Access Intuition 101 is based on Lori's years of blending firsthand, client-driven social work experience with a solid apprenticeship with Grandmother and the spirit world. The training in Medical Intuition, Business Intuition and Artist Intuition has grown from Lori's stellar application of intuition along with the tracking and sourcing skills that are the signature foundation in all of her intuition-based work.

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