Learn to Access Higher Wisdom & Support From 8 Unique Sources of Wisdom

Are you looking to access higher wisdom? Start learning today with our signature class. Join Lori Wilson and special Guest IA101 Trainers as you learn to connect with 8 amazing sources of wisdom and practice 8 different ways to access them. We all learn differently so in this training we encourage you to enhance your own unique style for tuning in. Explore tools such as: meditation, visualization, creative writing, drawing, movement, sound, ceremony and playfulness to show you many different ways to connect. Life is complicated. There is no need to face it alone. Learn to access to a number of wonderful places to rely on for support, guidance, perspective and learning. Intuition is not a mystical gift — it is a skill set that everyone can learn easily. We’d love to teach you. [PLEASE NOTE * This Class is included in the Foundation & Professional INTUITION-Paks as well as in the Community Membership.*]

  • 1) Your own Wise Self

  • 2) Your Spirit Guide

  • 3) Past Life aspects of yourself

  • 4) Your Body

  • 5) Animals and Elements of Nature

  • 6) Energies Beyond the Earth

  • 7) Loved Ones who are in the Spirit Realm

  • 8) Universal Wisdom

This Training Will Help You ...

  • Expand your intuitive abilities, trust yourself and your instincts more
  • Gain new skills with stellar guidelines on how to use your intuition
  • Have instant access to 8 specific sources of higher wisdom for help, perspective and for deep connection
  • Learn to listen to and track the body and get to know your own body... in a powerful way
  • Expand the way you can serve others using your intuition
  • Enhance your playfulness and creativity 
  • Maximize your own unique style to access infinite wisdom
  • Gain perspective, make better decisions and never feel alone again
  • Channel for your self and others
  • Experience a deep sense of peace and calm on a daily basis — with ease
  • Feel more at home in this world by knowing the invisible worlds are just as real — and ready to support you

Learn an Updated Frame of Reference for Intuition

  • Learn the difference between trance and conscious channeling, mediums and psychics
  • Recognize the importance of directing  your focus as well as opening and closing with your intuition
  • Appreciate discretion and the ethical  use of intuition skills
  • Understand energy and how it is transmitted
  • Learn how to go beyond the roadblocks of your mind or historical  fear-based paradigms 


"I just wanted to tell you how blown away I am by my experiences doing your Access Intuition 101 course and I'm only on Module 2!  The quality of the connection and the information coming through is simply profound and extremely humbling. Your clarification and guiding principals have really helped me give myself over to the experience and I am truly grateful.  Thank you Thank you Thank you."
 Leslie (Blown Away!!)

"OMG Lori, 
I took this class (Access Intuition 101) In-Person back in 2000 or 2001 with your Trainers, Rae and Dot, in Toronto. It was fantastic and opened a whole new world to me. I grew from what I learned and for many years have been a professional medium. This program launched me into a place that has enriched my world and my life. What I have learned from you and your Trainers has enabled me to support and enrich the lives of many others, help people heal from grief and trauma, help offer information to be considered by clients seeking career, job and relationship directions relationships, helped medical teams as well as patients obtain accurate diagnoses of vital significance, raise funds for special causes and help others to find peace in their life, to forgive and to create second-chances for themselves and others. You provided the foundation to make all this possible and I am and will always be grateful for the opportunities presented to me years ago. Oh my, I can't wait to revisit what I learned two plus decades ago and to experience the  foundational teaching once again in this gifted On-Line format. I thank you and Grandmother so much. All the best to you and your family."

Rosemary Simpson, ON, Canada


"I always knew there was more. I appreciate how you broke everything down into doable pieces. My favorite sources of wisdom was my Spirit Guide - who as it turns out was trying to get my attention since I was 15.  And ... reconnecting with my Grandpa in the loved ones meditation. I know I can recreate the strategies you have taught me. Gold, pure gold. 
Ben Anslie, Cornwall, ON

"You often say in class you want to take the mystery out  and WOW you really do. I would highly recommend this class to everyone. It should be mandatory in our education systems." 
BJ Kors, MA, USA

[Texting to a friend who had recommended the class] ..." I just started listening to Lori and I want to just stay home and listen all day." [Which was followed by a second text ] ... " and I've only listened for an hour. Now I'm hoping to be stuck in traffic."   
Linda Gruber San Francisco, CA

Course Curriculum

Available to you once you enroll ...

  • 1

    Module 1: Welcome and Orientation to Intuition

    • Download Your Handout: Guiding Principles for Developing Your Intuition

    • Tips for Maximizing Your Learning Experience

    • Here is Your 3.5-Hour Class Video of Module 1: Welcome and Orientation to Intuition

  • 2

    Module 2: Accessing Your Own Higher Self

    • Higher Self Teaching, Use of Color, Breathing, Water and Meditation to Meet Higher Self

    • Download Your Handout: Characters in Your Individual Energy Field

    • Here is Your 2.5-Hour Class Video of Module 2: Accessing Your Higher Self

  • 3

    Module 3: Connecting to Your Spirit Guide

    • Teaching about Spirit Guides, Use of Visualization, Journaling, and Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide, Channeling for Others

    • An Important Logistical Announcement to Module 3 Students Before You Start Class

    • Download Your Handout: Questions to Ask Your Spirit Guide

    • Here is Your 3-Hour Class Video of Module 3: Connecting to Your Spirit Guides

  • 4

    Module 4: Accessing Wisdom from Past Lives

    • Teaching about Past Lives, Tools of Muscle Testing, Pendulum and Dowsing, How to Bring Forward Key Information and Meditation to Explore Most Significant Lifetime

    • Download Your Handout: Questions to Access Past Life Information

    • Download Your Mini-Divining Sheet for Past Life Questions

    • Here is Your 3-Hour Class Video of Module 4: Accessing Wisdom from Past Lives

  • 5

    Module 5: Connecting with Wisdom from Your Body

    • Teaching About Body Energy and Wisdom, How to Focus Inside Your Body and How to Use Body Sculpting to Gain Information

    • Download Your Handout: Body Focusing Exercise

    • Here is Your 2.5-Hour Class Video of Module 5: Connecting with Wisdom from Your Body

  • 6

    Module 6: Connecting with your Animal or Elemental Guide

    • Teaching Regarding Animal and Elemental Guides, Kinesthetic Knowledge, Shamanic Journey to Meet Your Guide

    • Here is Your 2.5 Hour Class Video of Module 6: Connecting with your Animal or Elemental Guide

  • 7

    Module 7: Accessing Energies from Beyond the Earth

    • Teachings about Energies Beyond the Earth, The Importance of Sound as a Frequency, Updating Our Paradigm about Fear and Journeying to Meet A Guide Beyond the Earth

    • Here is your 2-Hour Class Video of Module 7: Accessing Energies from Beyond the Earth

  • 8

    Module 8: Connecting with Loved Ones Who have Passed On

    • Teaching Regarding Loved Ones Who Have Passed On, Realm of Spirit, Use of Ceremony, Medicine Wheel Teaching and Connecting with Your Loved Ones and Those of Others

    • Here is your 3-Hour Class Video of Module 8: Connecting with Loved Ones Who Have Passed On

  • 9

    Module 9: Tuning in to Univeral Wisdom Every Day

    • Teaching about Universal Wisdom, How to Understand and Use Synchronicity, Creating a Universal Portrait of You Using Collage

    • Here is Your 2.5-Hour Class Video of Module 9: Tuning in to Universal Wisdom

  • 10

    Module 10: What's Next? How to Continue Developing Your Intuition

    • Here is Your 1.5-Hour Class Video of Module 10: What's Next

    • We value your feedback ... Please complete this survey regarding the Access Intuition 101 On-Line Class

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Get Started Today


    Register today and enjoy learning at your own pace. The Access Intuition 101 Training is 25-hours that are separated into 10 Modules. Each Module is 1 - 3 hours in length. By exploring the differences between each of the 8 different sources of wisdom you will refine your skills in perceiving invisible wisdom. Discover your favorite sources and connect time-and-time again!


    You will need to set aside time to practice, journal and explore. This learning is very specific and sequential. You will be doing guided meditations and exercises with each Module within your class time. You will be pleased to know that your class material will remain On-Line so you can come back and review and practice the exercises as many times as you wish.


    “The tides for humanity are changing. It is a very important and exhilarating time. We need peace and a new world to live in. Honoring your intuition and using it daily is the perfect way to spread calm and to build a world for all. We are here to keep you company along the way.”


    Make channeling a part of your everyday life. Here you will develop positive and natural ways to build this type of focusing into your life in an easy and comfortable fashion. We all need resources to help us feel less alone and to make better decisions about life. The resources are definitely out there!


    There is incredible wisdom available in the subtle and invisible realms. Learning to tune into intuition and outside sources of wisdom is a skill set, not a mystical gift. Channeling is simply an honored way to focus your attention. As well as learning incredible skills – let us help you take the mystery out of navigating terrain that is beyond our known senses.


    Upon registration, you will be able to access Module 1 right away. Each additional Module is made available to you every 3-days to encourage you to work through the material in a sequential manner. The learning does build upon the previous Modules. We welcome you to the Community of People who trust themselves first and can access many sources of higher wisdom using their intuition.


Included in the INTUITION: Foundation-Pak, Pro-Pak & Community Membership