Course Description

Top 5 Benefits of Using Your Intuition

Our entire site has hundreds of lessons on how to use your intuition ~ so obviously we are passionate about everyone gaining maximum access to their own intuition skills.

Life is busy and full — often complex and hectic. Why would you want to use your intuition to access even more information? 

Here are five compelling reasons to make you want to use your intuition more. We will be brief and get right to the point.

BENEFIT #1 ~ You Get To Be The Number One Expert on You 

Life is filled with experts, people wanting to tell you what to do and how to be. What if you could go quietly inside to access your own higher self wisdom? What if you could still your own mind — or at least be able to discern your mind from your body or soul wisdom long enough to know what you are trying to tell yourself? You can do these things, and more! You can set up your own team of experts. These can be Guides, ancestors, animals, elements of nature and ever so many more resources that can support you and also offer insight and wisdom. You can create your own inner resource team of invisible, yet very palpable wisdom and support. This would build self-confidence and you certainly would be able to trust yourself more.

BENEFIT #2 ~  You Would Have A Greater Sense Of Connection

Feeling alone or different is hard. It is uncomfortable and makes us sad. If you could reach out at will to any number of unique sources of invisible wisdom you would never have to feel alone. This doesn't mean you have a revolving door of unsolicited wisdom chirping in your ear 24-7. It simply means, if you wanted more company — there is an endless array available. Being able to connect to more makes us comfortable in our own skin. It makes us much more comfortable in the world we live in. Home takes on a much larger meaning. Connecting to more creates a sense of belonging to a much larger world — one that makes a lot of sense.

BENEFIT # 3 ~ You Can Have Instant Access To Higher knowing

A true blessing of honing your intuition these days is that it is much easier than ever before. Time, evolution, openness to new tools and sheer willingness to drop the fear and exclusivity paradigms around intuition make it more accessible than it has ever been in history. There is little need for formality or warm ups. Being able to use your intuition does not require worthiness or a lot of ritual. It is a skill, so it does require focus and practice — but other that that and some good solid orientation, you are good to go. Having instant access to knowledge from other helpers that can see. know, sense and teach us more about life than we could perceive on our own is a huge help. And, we can all benefit from some trustworthy help at those right times.

BENEFIT #4 ~ You Can Help Loved Ones, Friends And Clients

As human beings we are hard-wired to be helpful. We want to serve, to be supportive, to help others in need. Having a solid trust in your own gut, in your intuition, in the sources of wisdom you develop a relationship with that are typically not resources used each day — gives you great tools to help others. You definitely don't wan't to use your intuition for others without permission. To be able to help someone with your intuitive tools is highly rewarding when used clearly. Others will appreciate your structured help — and you will feel really good about being helpful. Love and help is what makes the world go round. With additional, intuitive help — you can make it go round even better!

BENEFIT # 5 ~ When You Appreciate The Subtle Nuances Of  Life — New Doors Open 

The saying "knowledge is power" is very true. Experience — just as powerful. Once you have some experience with your intuition and exploring other realms, possibilities and guidance you start to appreciate just how real the subtler nuances of life are. Coincidences are no longer random — they are validation and connection points. Paying attention with your intuition at a trained, skilled level allows you insight and information you likely never thought possible. And it is not hard. With practice, paying attention to those subtle nuances becomes easy, fun and very normal. You can know more and sense more when those doors start to open. Life becomes more interesting, deep and in so many ways — makes more sense than it ever did. All it takes is a little structure, focus, practice and playfulness. Soon all sorts of doors of awareness and connection will be happening. And — thankfully, it will all be very easy and normal!

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Lori Wilson

Founder & Inner Access 101 Trainer

Lori Wilson B.A., M.S.W., is a social worker, author, trainer and founder of Inner Access 101. Lori has been providing channeling, regression, medical intuition, business intuition and traditional counseling in a successful private practice since 1983. Much of the material taught in the foundation training, Access Intuition 101 is based on Lori's years of blending firsthand, client-driven social work experience with a solid apprenticeship with her Spirit Guide, Grandmother and the spirit world. The training in Medical Intuition, Business Intuition and Artist Intuition has grown from the stellar intuition, tracking and sourcing skills that are the signature foundation in all of Lori's work. Lori currently has 6 active Trainers who teach her classes through Inner Access 101. This Education & Resource Network, run with her husband Stewart Hope, brings the exciting tools of intuition-based training to an ever expanding market. A visionary and self-professed “mother bear”, Lori's passion to spread inner trust is evident in all she does. Her mission has always been to encourage as many people as possible to "trust themselves first."

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