Course Description



24-hours, 24-topics, 24-guests. Q & A's and a special gift for you

This 24-hour Intuition Marathon first aired in 2019 and offered 24 KEY insights in how to use your intuition most effectively. A stellar introduction to key points for trusting your intuition.

This LIVE 24-hour event, was indeed, a true Marathon! Lori Wilson and her Spirit Guide, Grandmother, were streaming LIVE from the Inner Access 101 Website and Facebook simultaneously for 24-hours! The Inner Access 101 team is completely committed to turbo-boosting your intuition.

1) A new intuition topic that Lori Wilson teaches
  2) Q & A period — listen to the questions and answers from the LIVE event.

  3) A New Special Guest every hour who will deepen the learning and offer inspiration on how they have used their intuition skills.
  4) Listen to the varied messages given to 2 participants who  were chosen hourly for a personal channeled message from Grandmother! 
  5) In the LIVE event — 3 great prizes were given away hourly. In the REPLAY you will be pleased to find a small gift waiting for you as well.

  • Enroll now for the 24-hour Marathon and view it in convenient, 1-hour segments.

  • Ideally — it would be optimal to watch from start to finish, as the material does build as you go along. However, feel free to browse the topics and guests listed on the Event Schedule below and choose what interests you the most.


Intuition expert, Lori Wilson and her wise Spirit Guide, Grandmother have been teaching together since 1989. Grandmother has always said that ... "If enough people could truly learn how vast the invisible worlds are and learned to trust their intuition more, this world would change rapidly in positive ways. A world with intuition — is a world we want to live in!"    

We are dedicated to this vision and currently at Inner Access 101 teach over 50 intuition-based classes — with more added every month. In these last 30 years 13,000 students have taken the Access Intuition Foundation Training. They gain skills to access 8 unique sourced of wisdom and learn straightforward skills to trust themselves more. Now with our world, energy and access to intuition expanding even more rapidly, we need to expand this reach even further.   

A positive way to impact change is to teach people intuitive tools that can empower their lives. We teach real skills that are ethical, simple and take both the fear and mystery out of using your intuition. You can have access to wisdom with an up-to-date paradigm around intuition. We want as many people as possible to have inner access and access to all that exists in seen and unseen realms. Doing so allows life to really start making sense at a whole new level. With so much going on these days, we thought it was the perfect time to open the doors to even more people with a huge boost of positive – self trust!

 Our mission is … “Changing worlds with inner trust”


  • Each hour features a  new special topic. Lori will give you solid pointers on how to work with your intuition. You can also listen to the great answers given to questions about intuition or the topic of the hour.

  • Then — half way through each hour a Special Guest joins in for about 15-20 minutes to share their thoughts and experience with intuition as a key part of their life and work.  

    Scroll down to view the 24-hour schedule of Intuition Topics + amazing Guests


Margaret Mead, a pioneering Anthropologist once said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” This brilliant quote shapes our values and all we do.

So much is happening and changing energetically around us at this time in our evolution. We thought 24-hours would be the minimum time required to remind all that intuition and trust can make a real and enormous impact in all areas of life!

No strangers to a 24-hour clock, we felt this was the perfect way to create positive momentum and offer ways to change lives in 24-hours.

Every day, the access to invisible energy and access to our intuition grows. We chose September the 20-21st because — Saturday the 21st is the International Day of Peace. A perfect day to spread awareness of intuition as a huge tool toward growing both self-peace and world-peace.

This FREE  Class is open for everyone to attend. 

Boost your intuition and self-trust.

 "A world with INTUITION — is a world we want to LIVE in!"  ~  Grandmother, 1989

Please share this opportunity with your friends and colleagues.

Lori Wilson

Founder & Inner Access 101 Trainer

Lori Wilson B.A., M.S.W., is a social worker, author, trainer and founder of Inner Access 101. Lori has been providing channeling, regression, medical intuition, business intuition and traditional counseling in a successful private practice since 1983. Much of the material taught in the foundation training, Access Intuition 101 is based on Lori's years of blending firsthand, client-driven social work experience with a solid apprenticeship with her Spirit Guide, Grandmother and the spirit world. The training in Medical Intuition, Business Intuition and Artist Intuition has grown from the stellar intuition, tracking and sourcing skills that are the signature foundation in all of Lori's work. Lori currently has 6 active Trainers who teach her classes through Inner Access 101. This Education & Resource Network, run with her husband Stewart Hope, brings the exciting tools of intuition-based training to an ever expanding market. A visionary and self-professed “mother bear”, Lori's passion to spread inner trust is evident in all she does. Her mission has always been to encourage as many people as possible to "trust themselves first."

Course curriculum

  • 1

    24-hour Intuition Marathon Topics and Guests

    • Introduction to the 24-Hour Intuition Marathon

  • 2

    TOPIC 1: What is intuition?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Rebecca Liston

    • Read more about Rebecca

  • 3

    TOPIC 2: Is intuition a gift or a skill?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Sam Staikos

    • Read more about Sam

  • 4

    TOPIC 3: What would be the top 5 uses of my intuition?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Joyce Dowdall

    • Read more about Joyce

  • 5

    TOPIC 4: Where could I direct my intuition?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Nicole Morrison

    • Read more about Nicole

  • 6

    TOPIC 5: How do I plug in/ tune in with my intuition?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Diane Hovey

    • Read more about Diane

  • 7

    TOPIC 6: What are the biggest challenges to using intuition?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Andrew Facca

    • Read more about Andrew

  • 8

    TOPIC 7: How do I know I am not making things up?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Kelly Masek

    • Read more about Kelly

  • 9

    TOPIC 8: What is the difference between my mind and intuition?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Kelly Woodruff (An Inner Access 101 Trainer)

    • Read more about Kelly

  • 10

    TOPIC 9: What kind of things could I do with intuitive information?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Allison Amick

    • Read more about Allison

  • 11

    TOPIC 10: How do I turn my intuition on while working with people and pets?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Mary Argo

    • Read more about Mary

  • 12

    TOPIC 11: Why can't I turn my intuition off?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Venice Sullivan

    • Read more about Venice

  • 13

    TOPIC 12: How will I receive intuitive information?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Pat (Mom) Hope

    • Read more about Pat

  • 14

    TOPIC 13: How do I tell others what I am getting with my intuition?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Diane Wilson (Sister & Inner Access 101 Trainer)

    • Read more about Diane

  • 15

    TOPIC 14: How to have ethical boundaries when using your intuition

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Sandi Loytomaki (An Inner Access 101 Trainer)

    • Read more about Sandi

  • 16

    TOPIC 15: Why it is so important to normalize intuition now?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is the channeled wisdom of Lori's Spirit Guide ~ Grandmother

    • Read more about Grandmother

  • 17

    TOPIC 16:. How do every-day and well-known people use their intuition?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Roger Dufau

    • Read more about Roger

  • 18

    TOPIC 17: How to transition from everyday reality to intuitive work

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Susan Rueppel (An Inner Access 101 Trainer)

    • Read more about Susan

  • 19

    TOPIC 18: How to stop worrying about negative energies affecting your intuition

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Lyndsay Diamond

    • Read more about Lyndsay

  • 20

    TOPIC 19: Can we direct our intuition to the plant or mineral kingdoms?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Ruth Altschuler

    • Read more about Ruth

  • 21

    TOPIC 20: Which type of Guide is best to use?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Laurie Huston

    • Read more about Laurie

  • 22

    TOPIC 21: What are the differences between all the labels for intuition?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Suzane Northrop

    • Read more about Suzane

  • 23

    TOPIC 22: What if my intuition is wrong?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Lisa Dennys (An Inner Access 101 Trainer)

    • Read more about Lisa

  • 24

    TOPIC 23: What are 5 ways to turbo-boost my intuition?

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guest is Barbara Susan-Booth

    • Read more about Barbara

  • 25

    TOPIC 24: How to have fun with family & friends using your intuition

    • Click here to access the REPLAY: Special Guests ~ some of Lori's children reflecting on 'growing up with intuition'

    • Read more about Family


5 star rating


Amy Boothe Green

Lori and Stewart: You are amazing. Thank you, both, for an awesome intuithon…as well as your guests, children, Gran, and all. How Lori stayed as fresh as a flower for 24 hours is a testimony to that light-bright spirit of hers. Muc...

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Lori and Stewart: You are amazing. Thank you, both, for an awesome intuithon…as well as your guests, children, Gran, and all. How Lori stayed as fresh as a flower for 24 hours is a testimony to that light-bright spirit of hers. Much gratitude and… xo Amy

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5 star rating

24 hour marathon

Jocelyne Clutterbuck

Thank you Lori, Stewart, Grandmother and anyone else who had a hand in preparing for this special Intuition Marathon. I found myself trying to get in to listen in all sorts of ways and situations all the while trying to get a pool closed, making ...

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Thank you Lori, Stewart, Grandmother and anyone else who had a hand in preparing for this special Intuition Marathon. I found myself trying to get in to listen in all sorts of ways and situations all the while trying to get a pool closed, making dessert for a dinner was lovely, the prizes were a nice touch and very gracious of you as this will require more of your precious time Lori and Stewart. I was disappointed to have missed the last 30 minutes as my son called us and we took the opportunity to face time with them and the grand kids as they got up from their nap!!! Will catch it on the replay for sure!!! Many thanks and keep doing what you are doing! It is making a difference and there will come a day when all days are a 'day of peace' internationally...:) Jocelyne oxo

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