Course Description

Stabilizing Fear

If You Truly Understood Fear,
 You Would No Longer Be Afraid

Always one of our most sought after Seminars, learn about this dear friend that we call "Fear". Why it is here, how does fear grow and what can you do in practical terms to make sure it stays in proper context in your life?

  • Nothing spreads faster than fear except perhaps fire. Learn concrete strategies to identify fear, find out who it belongs to and how to deal with it in productive ways.

  • We are right in the middle of an opportunity when the fear of the masses can be seen as either highly contagious or compassionately humorous. Which perspective will you choose?   

(3-hour) Audio Podcast & Workbook

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Stabilizing Fear (3-hour) Audio Seminar & Workbook

    • Stablizing Fear Work Book by Lori Wilson

    • 1. Stabilizing Fear: Orientation and "Fear" Defined (36-min.)

    • 2. Understanding Why Has Fear Accelerated Now (28-min.)

    • 3. Recognizing How and Why Fear Grows (27-min.)

    • 4. Explore Concrete Steps to Keep Fear in Proper Context (29-min.)

    • 5. Honoring Fear in Yourself and Others (41-min.)

    • 6. An Honoring Fear Ceremony (18-min.)

Lori Wilson

Founder & Inner Access 101 Trainer

Lori Wilson B.A., M.S.W., is a social worker, author, trainer and founder of Inner Access 101. Lori has been providing channeling, regression, medical intuition, business intuition and traditional counseling in a successful private practice since 1983. Much of the material taught in the foundation training, Access Intuition 101 is based on Lori's years of blending firsthand, client-driven social work experience with a solid apprenticeship with her Spirit Guide, Grandmother and the spirit world. The training in Medical Intuition, Business Intuition and Artist Intuition has grown from the stellar intuition, tracking and sourcing skills that are the signature foundation in all of Lori's work. Lori currently has 6 active Trainers who teach her classes through Inner Access 101. This Education & Resource Network, run with her husband Stewart Hope, brings the exciting tools of intuition-based training to an ever expanding market. A visionary and self-professed “mother bear”, Lori's passion to spread inner trust is evident in all she does. Her mission has always been to encourage as many people as possible to "trust themselves first."


5 star rating

An apt title for a complex issue.

Mary James

Lori and Grandmother, thank you for the content of Stabilizing Fear and for the loving perspectives given to us by Grandmother and Lori both.

Lori and Grandmother, thank you for the content of Stabilizing Fear and for the loving perspectives given to us by Grandmother and Lori both.

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