Course Description

How to Grow in Relationships with
 Those Who Have Passed On

Does love have to end?  
No ... so how do we keep it strong and growing?  

Everyone will experience the loss of a loved one who is near and dear to them. Over our lifetime we will experience many of these changes.  How do we make sense of life and death? How to we draw strength from our losses? How can we grow in these relationships that truly never ends.

Join Lori & her loving Spirit Guide, Grandmother to discover what happens when love ones pass on and how we can not only stay connected, but actually grow in these important changed relationships. 

  • Learn how to accept the inevitability that your relationship will be different now.
  • Understand how your loved one can be more themselves now that they are free from the confines of life and body.
  • Gather strategies to connect, adapt and grow together on an ongoing basis.

Even though they are now a Spirit, love never dies. If you can learn to grow in these key relationships you can have a relationship that only deepens over time. You can both change  and stay connected – together.

Enjoy a guided meditation where you can connect with one of your loved ones  – and grow closer over continued time.  

Many who are interested in this topic take the 2-hour Webinar:  How to Best Connect with Loved Ones Who Have Passed On first which shows you 10 strategies of how to connected with your departed Loved One.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    How to Grow in Relationship with Those Who Have Passed On

    • Click here for your 2-hr. Webinar: How to Grow in Relationship with Those Who Have Passed On

Lori Wilson & Grandmother

Grandmother is Lori's Spirit Guide

Lori Wilson B.A., M.S.W., is a social worker, author, trainer and founder of Inner Access 101. Lori has been providing channeling, regression, medical intuition, business intuition and traditional counseling in a successful private practice since 1983. Her background in community development provide the tools and framework for the unique business model her company. Lori holds her B.A. Specialized Honours Degree in Psychology and Family Studies from the University of Guelph and a Master of Social Work Degree from Sir Wilfrid Laurier University. A key influence in shaping the foundation skills and values of Lori’s private practice and of Inner Access 101 is Grandmother, the ancient Shoshone spirit guide that Lori has been consciously channeling since 1989. Grandmother came gently into her awareness through journal writing and has since been a key inspiration to hundreds of thousands through her daily and monthly focus, books, the Evenings with Grandmother and with her presence in the On-Line Classes. Much of the material taught in the foundation training, Access Intuition 101 is based on Lori's years of blending firsthand, client-driven social work experience with a solid apprenticeship with Grandmother and the spirit world. The training in Medical Intuition, Business Intuition and Artist Intuition has grown from Lori's stellar application of intuition along with the tracking and sourcing skills that are the signature foundation in all of her intuition-based work.


5 star rating

How to Grow in Relationship with Those Who Have Passed On

Heidi Klaming

Thank you so very much for sharing your stories and unique experiences with Loved Ones who have passed on, and of course Grandmother, in last night's webinar. I am so happy to experience a most favourable change in relationship to my dear, late M...

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Thank you so very much for sharing your stories and unique experiences with Loved Ones who have passed on, and of course Grandmother, in last night's webinar. I am so happy to experience a most favourable change in relationship to my dear, late Mother who actually listened to me. My fondest wish is to keep expanding my awareness so I and others can flourish and grow into their unique selves. You, Stewart and Grandmother are so very special to encourage, facilitate and foster all we need to shift into a world beyond our constructs/limits and I am so grateful to have you in my life. All Love and Appreciation Heidi

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